Nanoenergy and Biosystem Lab

Principle Investigator

Prof. Zhou Li (李舟)

Recipient of National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars / Asistant to the Director of BINN

Professional Experience

Professor, Ph.D.

2015-now,   Beijing institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS;

      School of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS;

Associate Professor.

2010-2015, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China;

Education Experience

2004-2010, from Biomedical Engineering, Peking University, China;

2007-2009, Joint PhD student in “Gatech-PKU BME program” in Georgia institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, US;

1999-2004, Bachelor’s degree from Medical School, Wuhan University, China;


Dr. Zhou Li serves as the Doctoral Supervisor, Deputy Director at the Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and is a Professor at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Celebrated with the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and other notable awards such as the Beijing Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the National Ten Thousand Talent Program for Young Top-Notch Talent, his work is well recognized. Dr. Zhou Li holds several influential roles including Vice Chair positions in the Chinese Society for Biomedical Engineering and the China Electronics Society among others, reflecting his multifaceted expertise from bioengineering to smart materials.

His research focuses on the advancement of bioelectronic and medical devices, namely in the areas of wearable and implantable electronic health monitoring and therapy devices, biosensors, biodegradable electronics, and biomechanical investigations. Dr. Zhou Li has authored a total of 260 papers, out of which more than 140 are first or corresponding author papers with an impact factor exceeding 10. Out of the papers, 12 were published in sub-journals of Nature and Science, including Nature Reviews Cardiology which has an impact factor of 41.7. Furthermore, there are 3 top 1 ‰ hot publications and 29 top 1% highly cited papers in ESI. His publications have achieved an H-index of 76, with over 20000 citations, several of which are among the most frequently cited papers in this field.

Prof. Li have been awarded Science and Technology Award of Beijing, “Young Investigator’s Award”of International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and Gold Award of China Association of Inventions. His work was highlighted by Nature, The People’s Daily, The Times, Scientific American, New Scientist andother inland and other inland and international mediums.Prof. Li is the Vice-Chairman of Youth Committee in the China Society of Biomedical Engineering, the Youth Committee member of the China Society of Biological Engineering. He is supported by the National Youth Talent Support Program, NewCentury Excellent Talents of Ministry of Education of China, Beijing NovaProgram and Beijing Top-notch Talent Program.

He is Associate Editor of Smart Materials in Medicine, Advanced Science and MedMat, Guest-editor of Advanced Functional Materials, InfoMat and the Editorial board member of Science Bulletin, Sensors andActuators Report and Life Science Instrument. Heis also invited reviewer for more than 70 SCI journals, including Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Electronics, Sci. Adv., and Nature Comm.

Group website:


Google Scholar:

Honor and Awards

2020 Outstanding Investigatorof ChinaElectronics Society

2019 Young Scientist Award of Fuji Visual Sonics

2017 Science andTechnology Award of Beijing, 2017, First accomplisher

2017 NationalYouth Talent Support Program

2017 First prizefor Annual Paper, Association of Biomedical Engineering of China

2016 Gold Award ofChina Association of Inventions

2016 Outstanding Achievementsof Beijing Natural Science Foundation

2015 BeijingTop-notch Talent

2012 YoungInvestigators’ Award, International Federation for Medical and BiologicalEngineering (IFMBE)

2012 New CenturyExcellent Talents of Ministry of Education of China

2012 Beijing NovoProgram

2010 Top Articles,Advance Materials Journal

Research Interests

1. Bioelectronic devices: Implanted & wearable flexible electronic medical devices; Self-driven medical devices, Biosensors
2. Cell biomechanics: Single-cell traction measurement methods and applications
3. Active biomaterials: Controlled degradation and antibacterial of devices & implant

Current project and fundingresources​

1.   2011 Doctoral programs fund of the ministry ofeducation20111102120xxx

2.   2012 Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyOverseas Outstanding fund, 20091xxx

3.   2012 Ministry of science and technology 863 program2011AA02Axxx

4.   2012 Ministry of science and technology 973 program,2012BAI18xxx

5.   2012 New Century Excellent Talents of Ministryof Education of China2013/1-2015/12

6.   2012 Beijing natural science foundation, 7132xxx

7.   2012 Beijing Novo Program, Z121103002512xxx

8.   2012 NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), 31200xxx

9.   2014 Beijingscience and technology planning project, Z131100006013xxx

10.   2014 Beijing Novo X Program, Z131103000413xxx

11.   2015 Beijing Top-notch Talent, 2015000021223Zxxx

12.   2015 NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), 31571xxx

13.   Academic Consultation and Evaluation Programof CAS, 2016-2018

14.   2016 Key R&D Program of Ministry ofScience and Technology, 2016YFA0202xxx

15.   2017 National Youth Talent Support Program, 2017-2019

16.   2018 Beijing natural science foundation, 218xxx

17.   2018 NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), 61875xxx

18.   2018 XXX key Technology Investigation Project,2018-2020

19.   2019Outstanding Young Investigators Promotion Project of University of CAS, Y954019

20.   2020 XXX Technology Development Project,Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

21.   2020Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 20Y0XXX



李舟研究员主要从事新型生物电子器件和医疗器件的研究,包括健康监护与治疗的植入/穿戴电子医疗器件、生物传感器、可降解电子器件,以及生物力学的研究。已在Nature Science 的子刊上发表论文 12 ,包括影响因子为41.7 Nature Reviews Cardiology 等,共发表论文 260 余篇,其中影响因子大于 10 的**/通讯作者论文 140余篇3 ESI 1‰热点文章和 29 ESI1%高被引论文被引用超20000H-index 76多篇为本领域最高被引次数论文。自供电心脏起搏器的研究成果被人民日报、中央电视台、中国科学报、科技日报、泰晤士报、法新社、环球科学、今日俄罗斯、MIT 科技评论等数百家新闻媒体和网站评论和报道,目前已经进入动物实验阶段,准备开展技术转化。材料科学领域论文数、H指数、能源领域论文被引数排名全球前1%

获北京市科学技术二等奖(**完成人)、国际医学与生物工程联合会(IFMBE)青年科学家奖、中国科学院大学“朱李月华优秀教师奖”和“领雁金奖”等国内外奖励;同时担任Science Bulletin (IF18.8)、MedMat、Smart Materials in Medicine、Advanced ScienceFrontiers in ChemistryAdvanced Functional Materials、InfoMatMaterials等多个学术期刊的副主编、编委和客座主编。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划首席、新曦颠覆式技术创新基金(首批)、国防科技创新特区项目、中科院先导专项、北京市重点项目、北京市自然科学基金-海淀原始创新基金重点项目和华为技术合作项目等40 多项基金课题。








2019年:富士Visual Sonics青年科学家奖







2012年:国际医学和生物工程联合会青年科学家奖(IFMBE Young Investigators Award)

2012: 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”


2010: 论文被材料科学**学术期刊Advance Materials评选为“Top Articles”

2010: 北京航空航天大学“**百人”


国家中长期科技发展规划先进制造领域传感器方向                    战略研究组专家

科技部十四五重点研发计划“智能传感器专项”                    指南和总体组专家

中国生物医学工程学会                                  理事,青委会副主委

中国电子学会生命电子学分会                                  副主任委员

中国材料学会智能医药材料与器件分会                             副主任委员

中国仿真学会元宇宙分会                                     副主任委员

中国康复辅助器具协会康复工程专业委员会                          副主任委员

心血管植入材料临床前研究评价北京市重点实验室(医科院阜外医院)        学术委员会委员

口腔数字医学北京市重点实验室(北京大学口腔医院)                 学术委员会委员

中国微米纳米技术学会微纳米制造及装备分会                             理事

中国生物工程学会青委会                                         委员

中国生物医学工程学会类器官与器官芯片分会                             委员

期刊Science BulletinIF18.8                                                                                                 Associate Editor

MedMat                                                                                                                                                                                     Executive Editor

期刊Advanced SciencIF14.3)                                                                                          Guest Editor in Chief

期刊Smart Material in Medicine   (KeAi出版社)                                                                                                         Associate Editor

期刊Advanced Functional MaterialsIF18.5)                                                                  Guest Editor in Chief

期刊InfoMatIF22.7)                                                                                                        Guest Editor in Chief

期刊Frontiers in ChemistryIF3.8)                                                                                   Guest Editor in Chief

期刊MaterialsIF3.1)                                                                                                                                编委

期刊生命科学仪器                                                        编委

Current Applied Materials                                                                                                                     编委


1 电刺激治疗、康复和神经调控的基础理论、方法和器件

2   活性生物材料:用于组织修复和再生的植入物材料与器件

3   植入/穿戴的健康监护与医疗电子器件、自供能医疗器件、生物传感器

4   纳米线阵列的单细胞牵引力测量方法与应用


1 科技部,国家重点研发计划“高端功能与智能材料”专项,2022YFB380xxxx,基于柔性电子材料的药物控释和组织再生器件,2023/1-2023/12267 万,课题负责人;

2 国家自然科学基金委,专题研讨项目,T224xxxx,“物理生物医学交叉前沿研讨会”,2023.1-2023.1210 万,主持;

3 科技部,国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项,2022YFE011xxxx自驱动电刺激外周神经对帕金森病干预及调剂机制的 PET-MR 研究,2022/1-2023/12,300 万,项目负责人;

4 中国科学院大学,科研条件和能力提升项目,2022/1-2024/12400 万,在研,主持;

5 北京新曦颠覆性技术创新基金会,ZZ-2021-xxx,自供能无导线心脏起搏器,2022/1-2024/12, 300 万,在研,主持;

6 国家自然科学基金委,杰出青年基金,T212xxxx2022/1-2026/12, 400 万,在研,主持;

7 北京市自然科学基金-海淀原始创新联合基金,前沿重点项目,L21xxxx促进长骨骨折愈合的可降解自供能电刺激器件及其作用机制研究,2022/1-2024/12, 100 万,在研,主持;

8 北京市自然科学基金委,杰出青年基金,JQ20xxx2021/1-2023/12, 100 万,在研,主持;

9 中国科学院“器官重建与制造”战略性先导 A 科技专项,XDA1602xxxx,器官长时程维持和实时监测;2021/10-2022/12,1200 万,已结题,课题负责人;

10 教育部,第二批新工科研究与实践项目,E-NYDQHGC2020xxxx,“新工科”视阈下纳米能源行业人才培养内涵、特征探讨,2021/1-2022/12,20 万,已结题,主持;

11 中国科学院大学,***教改项目专项支持,2021/1-2022/12,30 万,已结题,主持;

12 北京市自然科学基金委,对外合作交流基金,Y20xxxx,创新医疗器械与纳米生物电子学国际论坛,2020/6-2022/12,20 万,已结题,主持;

13 国家自然科学基金面上项目,6187xxxx,基于自驱动传感器的植入式动态血压监测系统,2019/1-2022/12, 73 万,已结题,主持;

14 中国科学院大学,高水平科技人才培育与稳定支持专项,2020/1-2021/12,100 万,已结题,主持;

15 华为技术有限公司,技术开发项目,2020/3-2021/3150 万,已结题,主持;

16 中国科学院大学,优秀青年教师科研能力提升项目,Y95xxxx,微纳自供能智能医疗器件,2019/1-2020/12100 万,已结题,主持;

17 军委科技委,国防科技创新特区项目,2018/10-2020/6120 万,已结题,主持;

18 北京市自然科学基金委面上项目,218xxxx,植入式柔性可拉伸纳米发电机的研制,2018/1-2019/12, 25 万,结题优秀,主持;

19 科技部,“纳米科技”重点专项,2016YFA020xxxx,高性能纳米能源器件及自驱动系统的研究,2017/1-2021/63400 万,在研,参与;

20 中组部,万人计划“青年拔尖”,W0307xxxx2017/1-2019/12190 万,已结题,主持;

21 国家自然科学基金面上项目,3157xxxx,全可降解生物微能量收集器件的研究,2016/1-2019/12, 76.4 万,已结题,主持;

22 北京市委组织部,青年拔尖人才,2015000021223xxxx2016/1-2018/1250 万,已结题,主持;

23 中国科学院学部咨询评议项目,危险污染物的环境安全问题与对策研究:纳米安全问题及对策研究,2016/9-2018/8, 200 万,已结题,子课题负责人;

24 北京市科委科技新星交叉课题,Z13110300041xxxx,基于纳米发电机的自驱动心脏起搏器能量包,2014/1-2014/12, 10 万,已结题,主持;

25 北京市科技计划课题,Z13110000601xxxx,植入式长效自充电纳米能源系统研制,2013/7-2015/6500 万,已结题,子课题负责人;

26 北京市科技新星,Z12110300251xxxx,纳米生物传感器和纳米发电机为基础的植入式血糖治疗仪的研究, 2013/1-2015/1228 万,已结题,主持;

27 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,7132121,利用硅纳米线阵列研究流动剪切力对血管内皮细胞牵引力的影响,2013/1-2015/12, 25 万,14 万,结题优秀,主持;

28 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31200702,利用硅纳米线阵列研究血流对血管内皮细胞牵引力的影响,2013/1-2015/12, 25 万,已结题,主持;

29 教育部新世纪优秀人才,NCET-12-xxxx,基于纳米发电机持续供能的植入式血糖治疗仪的研究,2013/1-2015/1250 万,已结题,主持;

30 科技部科技支撑,2012BAI1xxxx,小口径人造血管,2012/1-2016/121200 万,已结题,参与;

31 科技部 863 计划,2011AA02xxxxCS-9200 全自动生化分析检测流水线及配套试剂质控品研制,1380 万,已结题,参与;

32 工信部海外优秀留学回国人员基金,2009xxxx,基于半导体纳米材料的“肖特基门控”超高灵敏度纳米生物传感器,2011/1-2012/12, 11.6 万,已结题,主持;

33 教育部博士点基金,2011110212xxxx,利用硅纳米线阵列研究流动环境中肿瘤细胞的迁移能力,2011/1-2013/12, 4 万,已结题,主持;


1 代表作(28 篇)   

1)   Tianlong Wang#, Han Ouyang#, Yiping Luo# ...Wentao Cao*, Zhou Li*, Feng Chen*, Longpo Zheng*, Rehabilitation exercise–driven symbiotic electrical stimulation system accelerating bone regeneration. Science Advances, 2024, eadi679

2)   Ying Liu#, Chan Wang#, Zhuo Liu# ... Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*, Self-encapsulated ionic fibers based on stress-induced adaptive phase transition for non-contact depth-of-field camouflage sensing. Nature Communications, 2024, 15:663

3)   Zhuo Liu#, Yiran Hu#, Xuecheng Qu#, Ying Liu# ...Ningning Wang*, Wei Hua*, Zhou Li*,   ‍‍A self-powered intracardiac pacemaker in swine model. Nature Communications, 2024, 15:507

4)   YuanYang#, Ruizeng Luo# ... Dan Luo*, Jiaping Zhang*, Zhou Li*, Zhong Lin Wang, Improved pharmaco dynamics of epidermal growth factor via microneedles-based self-powered   transcutaneous electrical stimulation, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 6908

5)   Xuecheng Qu#, Zhuo Liu#,   Puchuan Tan# ... Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*, Zhong Lin Wang. Artificial tactile perception smart finger for material identification based on triboelectric sensing. Science Advances, 2022, 8, eabq2521. Cited 64 times    ESI highly cited,ESI hot paper

6)    Qiang Zheng#, Mingzeng Peng#, Zhuo Liu# ... Junyi Zhai*, Zhou Li*, Zhong Lin Wang*, Dynamic real-time imaging of living cell traction force by piezo-phototroniclight nano-antenna array, Science Advances, 2021, 7, eabe7738.

7)    Qiang Zheng, Qizhu Tang, Zhong Lin Wang*, Zhou Li*, Self-powered cardiovascular electronic devices andsystems, Nature Reviews Cardiology, 2021, 18 (1), 7-21. Cited 192 times    ESI highly cited

8)    Han Ouyang#, Zhuo Liu#, Ning Li#, Bojing Shi# ... Zhong Lin Wang*, Hao Zhang*,and Zhou Li*. Symbiotic cardiac pacemaker, Nature Communications, 2019 10,1821.

9)    Yang Zou #, Puchuan Tan#, Bojing Shi# ... Yubo Fan*, Zhong Lin Wang*, and Zhou Li*. A bionic stretchable nanogenerator for underwater sensing and energy harvesting, Nature Communications 2019 10: 2695.

10)    Guomin Wang#, Hongqing Feng# ... Huaiyu Wang*, Zhou Li*, and Paul K. Chu*. An antibacterial platform based on capacitive carbon-doped TiO2 nanotubes after direct or alternating current charging, Nature Communications 2018, 9: 2055.

11)    Kuan Hu#, Yixiang Jiang# ... Fan Jiang*, Zhou Li*, Xinwei Wang*, and Zigang Li*. Tuning peptide self-assembly by an in-tether chiral center, Science Advances 2018 4: eaar5907.

12)    Qiang Zheng# ... Zhou Li*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. Biodegradable triboelectric nanogenerator as a life-time designed implantable power source, Science Advances 2016 2: e1501478. Cited 495 times   ESI highly cited

13)   Hongyu Meng#, Qiao Yu#, Zhuo Liu# ... Zhou Li*. Triboelectric performances of biodegradable polymers‍‍, Matter 2023 6: 1-17.

14)   Ruizeng Luo#, Yi Liang#, Jinrui Yang# ... Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*, Jiaping Zhang*. Reshaping the Endogenous Electric Field to Boost Wound Repair via Electrogenerative Dressing, Advanced Materials 2023 35: 2208395.

15)   Puchuan Tan ... Yubo Fan*, Xun Chen*, Zhou Li* and Zhong Lin Wang. Self-powered gesture recognition wristband enabled by machine learning for full keyboard and multi-command input‍, Advanced Materials 2022 34: 2200793. Cited 55 times     ESI highly cited

16)   Chan Wang#, Ying Liu# ... Zhou Li*. Ultra-stretchable and fast self-healing ionic hydrogel in cryogenic environments for artificial nerve fiber, Advanced Materials 2022 34: 2105416. Cited 99 times    ESI highly cited

17)   Han Ouyang#, Zhe Li#, Min Gu# ... Wei Hua*, Yubo Fan*, Zhou Li*, and Zhonglin Wang. A Bioresorbable Dynamic Pressure Sensor for Cardiovascular Postoperative Care, Advanced Materials 2021 33: 2102302.

18)    Jianping Meng and Zhou Li*. Schottky-Contacted Nanowire Sensors, Advanced Materials 2020 32: 2000130.

19)   Wen Jiang#, Hu Li#, Zhuo Liu# ... Yubo Fan*, Zhong Lin Wang*, and Zhou Li*. Fully Bioabsorbable Natural-Materials-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Advanced Materials 2018 30: 1801895. Cited 318 times      ESI highly cited

20)   Bojing Shi#, Zhou Li*, and Yubo Fan*.   Implantable Energy Harvesting Devices, Advanced Materials 2018 30: 1801511. Cited 229 times    ESI highly cited

21)    Han Ouyang#, Jingjing Tian#, Guanglong Sun# ... Yifan Fan*, Zhong Lin Wang*, and Zhou Li*. Self-Powered Pulse Sensor for Antidiastole of Cardiovascular Disease, Advanced Materials 2017 29: 1703456. Cited 368 times    ESI highly cited

22)   Bojing Shi#, Qiang Zheng# ... Zhou Li*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. A Packaged Self-Powered System with Universal Connectors Based on Hybridized Nanogenerators, Advanced Materials 2016 28: 846–852.

23)   Qiang Zheng# ... ZhouLi*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. ‍In vivo powering of pacemaker by breathing-driven implanted triboelectric nanogenerator, Advanced Materials 2014 26:5851-5856. Cited 500 times   ESI highly cited

24)    Zhou Li#, Guang Zhu# ... Zhong Lin Wang*. Muscle-driven in vivo nanogenerator, Advanced Materials 2010 22: 2534–2537.

25)   Ping-Hung Yeh#, Zhou Li#, and Zhong Lin Wang*. Schottky-Gated Probe-Free ZnO Nanowire Biosensor, Advanced Materials 2009 21: 4975–4978.

26)   Ruizeng Luo ... Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*. Self-powered electrical stimulation assisted skin wound therapy, Science Bulletin, 68(16), 1740-1743.

27)   Yu Sun#, Shengyu Chao# ... Jun Yang*, Hongqing Feng*, Gengsheng Mao*, Zhou Li*. Hybrid nanogenerator based closed-loop self-powered low level vagus nerve stimulation system for atrial fibrillation treatment, Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(12): 1284-1294.

28)   Baoying Dai , Hongqing Feng , Zhou Li*, Yannan Xie*. Field enhanced photocatalytic disinfection, Science Bulletin, 2022, 2095-9273.


1   主要论著和引用情况

1) Nature Reviews Cardiology 2021 18: 7-21.                Cited 192 times   ESI highly cited

2) Nature Communications 2022 13: 6908.                     Cited 26 times

3) Nature Communications 2019 10: 2695.                     Cited 386 times

4) Nature Communications 2019 10:1821.                     Cited 429 times   ESI highly cited

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1 The 6th International Conference on Nanoenery and Nanosystems(2023), Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystem, Beijing, China, Jun 17-19, (Conference Vice Chairman, 20多个国家,2400).

2 Ecomat Conference (2023), Ecomat Journal and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Jun 20-24, (Conference symposium 5 Chairman and Invited symposium speaker )

3 NANO KOREA (2022), Korea, July 6-8, (Keynote speaker).

4 The International Youth Conference of Bionic Science and Engineering (2021),16-18 July, Shenzhen.(Session Chair)

5 The 16th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2021), April 25-29, Xiamen(Invited symposium speaker).

6 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy(MCARE 2020), August16-21 , Hyatt Regency Bellevvue Bellevue, WA, USA. (Co-organizer and sessionfor Symposium 6)

7 The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine &Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2019), November 21-24, Gwangju Korea. (Invitedsymposium speaker).

8 The 2nd international workshop on blue energy(2019), Singapore, October 6-9.(Invited symposium speaker)

9 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE 2019), 19-23August 2019, Jeju Island KoreaSelf-powered Medical Electronics.(Invited Speaker)

10 The 8th International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology(2019), August 17-19, Beijing. (Invited Speaker)

11 The 4th International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems(2019), June 15-17, Beijing.(Session Chair)

12 2019 MRS Spring Meeting(2019), 22-26 April, Phoenix Arizona, USA.(SessionChair)

13 The 14th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered andMolecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2019),April 11-14,Bangkok Thailand.(Invitedspeaker)

14 Bio4Apps 2018/2019 International Conference on BioSensors, BioElectronics, BioMedical Devices, BioMEMS/NEMS and Applications 2018/2019(2019), Harbin Institute of Technology, January 6-8, Harbin, China.(Invited speaker)

Yard 8, Yangyandong 1st Road, Yanqi Development Zone, Yanqi Town, Huairou District, Beijing
Nanoenergy and Biosystem lab@binn.cas
+86-010-8285 4762
Copyright © Zhou Li,  Xuecheng Qu, Han Ouyang, Jiangtao Xue, Engui Wang